Pastor Aaron Cuyler

“The role of the believer isn’t to get saved and go to heaven. The believer is to use their new creation power to change the world around them. To bring heaven to earth and prepare the way for the One to come. We take on a new spiritual identity not to escape the world but to change it using the power of the One who saved us.”


Our Message

We believe that we are messengers and deliverers. Our message is the good news of God’s restoration advancing through our world, through his people. We deliver this message through words and actions. The teachings of Altered Church illuminate this message across various formats and mediums. You can experience our teaching below through full-length sermons, shorter sermon snippets, and 1 min teachings.


  • We believe and teach that the Bible has God’s authoritative stamp. We believe this grand book points directly toward Jesus on all its pages. Jesus will always be central to our teaching, and he is the source of human restoration and the answer to all of the trials and difficulties we experience as humans. Through this Christ-centered lens, we will teach all areas relevant to human flourishing; family, relationships, anxiety, purpose, money, forgiveness, and more.

  • While his first calling was to care for others as a nurse, Pastor Aaron was educated in pastoral ministry at Liberty University. He received a Bachelor of Science in Religion with a minor in Biblical Studies. Additionally, Pastor Aaron Has a Master of Arts in Strategic Communication.

  • Altered Church is generous with the speaking platform. While Pastor Aaron teaches most Sundays, we welcome other teachers to share their gifts. Teachers include men and women from various backgrounds. Teachers must demonstrate strong Biblical literacy and speak with a heart of compassion and grace.

  • We want to see you on Sunday! We will upload our music and sermons on Youtube to make them more accessible, yet we encourage attending the Sunday service where true community occurs.



This website isn’t intended to answer all of your questions. We hope to give you a sense of who we are as a church and what’s important to us. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask by filling out the form below.